August 2019 – Letter from the President
Back to School!
It may be time to return to school but looking back this has been a summer filled with activities for everyone. I would like to thank all our committees for making this happen, Swim Team, Tennis, Pool, Social, Grounds, and Clubhouse. In addition, I want to thank many of our other Committees and volunteers whose work is not as obvious but necessary to keep our neighborhood operating, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President, Safety, Architecture, Membership, and Publications.
Road construction at Routes 14 and 296 (Five Forks Road) continues. I have reached out to several people with the SCDOT to get a better handle on what to expect. However, information regarded expected road closures is not something I have been able to nail down with any degree of accuracy. What I have been told is this project may extend into the holidays. It all depends on the weather. What is certain, this project will be with us for a while.
I have been asked by several people to remind everyone, if forced to park on the street, please make sure you don’t park opposite a vehicle on the other side of the road. This makes it very difficult to negotiate getting around these vehicles and presents a traffic hazard. If you happen to notice your landscaper doing this, please ask them to refrain from doing so. Also, are you aware it is illegal to park your vehicle facing in the wrong direction.
Fall is just around the corner. We all know what that means, leaves. Just a friendly reminder that there is no dumping within River Walk or on its common property. Again, advise your landscapers. Residents can take their yard waste to the Enoree landfill for free or arrangement can be made with most of our area waste haulers as well. Also keep an eye on bushes and plants at the ends of your driveways to assure they are not blocking the vision of oncoming motorists and pedestrians. This applies to corner lots as well. In most cases, a little pruning is all that is needed.
Summer vacation is coming to an end bringing cooler temperatures and of course football. Our next Board Meeting is Scheduled for September 9 at 7:00pm in the Clubhouse. All residents are welcome to attend. So, bring your ideas and comments and make an effort to join us.