Happy New Year!
The new year has begun but did you know the new year for the River Walk Recreational Association (HOA) begins on May 1, 2020. That’s right, our fiscal calendar runs from May 1st of every year to April 30th of the following year. This year our Annual Meeting will be held on April 19th. It is at the annual meeting that approval for the coming year’s budget is approved and the election of Board positions take place.
Currently we have open positions for a TennisCommittee Chairperson and for Vice President/President Elect. If you are interested in these positions, please write up a short Biography, two to three sentences and submit them to our Secretary at [email protected]by April 1, 2020. With the exception of the President position, if you are interested in a committee chair position currently filled, you can submit your biography by April 1 to be included in the election to take place at the annual meeting. Involvement in the neighborhood HOA is open to all residents in a variety of capacities.
A slate of candidates will be released in the March Newsletter. Should you want to vote for someone but unable to attend the annual meeting, you can vote by proxy. Proxy requests must be submitted to the River Walk Secretary no later than April 14th. More instructions will be provided in the March Newsletter.
An update on the construction project on Five Forks Road…
I have been in contact with the South Carolina DOT regarding the status on the road construction at Routes SC14 and SC296 (Five Forks Road). The plan is now to have all work completed by April 1 and hopefully sooner. According to the DOT, they do not plan on closing Parkside Drive in order to better align it with SC296. The plan is to complete the work by employing lane closures and not having to fully shut the Parkside entrance down completely.
Work on the pool is nearing completion. The new fence has been installed, the kiddie pool replastered, the brick planter removed, and the repairs and resealing of the pool deck completed. Pool cover anchors still need to be replaced before a new pool cover can be installed. Despite the uncooperative weather conditions, the pool will be ready for the opening of the 2020 pool season. Although much of the work performed is necessary maintenance, we were able to spruce up the overall appearance of the pool area in the process.
Our next board meeting is scheduled for February 3 at 7:00 pm at the clubhouse. All residents are not only welcome but encouraged to attend.
I look forward to seeing you next month.