Treasurer’s Report for March 2020
The below is a brief summary of our revenue and expenses for Fiscal Year 2019.
Revenue: $206K of revenue was collected during the first nine months of the fiscal year. The primary driver was the collection of annual HOA dues ($194K), the sale of non-resident pool memberships ($6K), and clubhouse rentals ($4K).
Operating Expenses: Spring and Summer are busy seasons for our neighborhood in terms of spending. There is significant spend incurred to get the pool ready for the season, staffed/maintained during the pool season, and the grounds in shape to keep our neighborhood beautiful. The below pie chart shows spend by category. Flowers were planted at the neighborhood entrances, tree cutting occurred along the trail, and the cracks in the tennis courts were repaired. The majority of spend at the pool was to our Pool Management Company, Sweetwater. In addition, the administration spend noted below was for our annual insurance premiums and property taxes (which were paid in November 2019). In February, five lights at the tennis courts were replaced. All lights should be in working order at this time.
Conclusion: Revenue and expenses remain within budget at this time.