Letter from the President – March 2020


Spring is right around the corner. This year brought with it record rainfall. The rains have also taken their toll on our pathways and bridges. The footbridge near River Walk Drive is closed until some broken welds can be repaired. As of this writing, we are still waiting for repairs to be completed. Caution tape has been placed on either side of the bridge as a reminder to remain off. This is for your safety so please comply until repairs and the caution tape is removed. Also, this month we have returned to daylight saving time. Please take extra caution when driving through the neighborhood as children will be moving about more actively.

The activity around the neighborhood and especially the pool area has picked up substantially this month. Our various committees have been busy preparing the grounds, pool, and paths in preparation for Summer. This brings me to the subject of volunteers. Without the help of volunteer and Board members this neighborhood would cease to function and would require taking on a management company. For 30 years we have operated as an all-volunteer HOA. Involvement on the board of various committees is an excellent way to meet your neighbors and stay abreast of issues that affect our neighborhood. We are always looking for volunteers and currently have two vacancies to fill; Vice-President/President Elect and a chairperson to head up the Tennis Committee. During the Annual Meeting scheduled for Sunday, April 19th at 6:00 pm at the clubhouse, the election of Board positions takes place. You must be present to vote or complete a proxy vote if unable to attend. Watch your email as more instructions are to follow. 

Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 6th at 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse. We will be discussing budgets for next year in preparation for approval at the Annual Meeting. There is no better way to see how your annual dues are utilized. Look forward to seeing you.