If you have not logged into the website in a while, please make a point of logging in over the coming weeks to
review and update your contact information. Several updates are in the works to simplify current processes that require a lot of manual work.
Changes currently underway are:
- Adding the ability for non-resident pool members to register and pay for their memberships on the website.
- Consolidation of Resident website accounts to 1 account per Home/Address. Each Home will have 1 login to the website. Current residents that have more than 1 account will have those accounts consolidated. Specific instructions for accessing your account will be provided before the changes are made.
- Adding Pool “Blue Card” data collection to the website to avoid having to manually distribute and collect the cards. This saves time and reduces the printing costs significantly.
- Website template updates to improve the presentation and usability of the website.
If you have any suggestions for the website, please email [email protected] with your comments.