June 2019 – Letter from The President
Schools out!
Ah summer! Schools out, the pool is open, and vacation plans are in the works. Hard to believe the Fourth of July is just around the corner heralding the middle of summer.
The pool is open, wait, no its not! We have had a few hiccups this year during the early part of the pool season. The pool was forced to close a few times due to what I will affectionately refer to as a brown alert. Please let me remind you, children that are not toilet trained are required to wear a swim diaper in the pool. This is not a River Walk rule but is required by DHEC. Our guards have the responsibility to monitor and enforce this rule, so please do not be offended if you are approached by one of them to assure your child is compliant Furthermore, it is not only an inconvenience to all your neighbors when the pool must be closed, but a substantial expense as well. I have been told it can cost as much as $700 in chemicals alone to correct this problem every time it occurs. For those of you with young children, please stock up on swim diapers if you plan on using the pool.
Work on the intersection of Bethel, Route 14, and Five Forks continues although it seems slow. I have been in contact with the SC DOT and they apologize for the delay but explain that they have been behind schedule. They have also told me that this project will get their full attention once their other current project(s) involvement(s) are completed. Please take notice, the DOT has mentioned that the Parkside Drive entrance will need to be closed for a short period at some point but have advised that their intention is to do so before the beginning of school this fall. We are all hoping they keep to this promise. A slight realignment to Parkside Drive is planned to eliminate the severe angle that it intersects with Five Forks.
Our new Website riverwalksc.com is up and running. If you haven’t yet made a visit, please do so. A wealth of information is provided regarding community events, pool and fitness room hours, contacts, and much more.
Please have a fun and safe summer.